




High-quality patent administration is the foundation on which patent prosecution stands. Precision, thoroughness and efficiency are paramount for success.

Using COPA to assist you with your patent administration allows you to allocate internal resources to other tasks with confidence that our QIPA (Qualified Intellectual Property Administrator) certified team is handling your patent portfolio. We have more than 70 years of combined experience, several years spent with in-house patent departments.

We handle all aspects of patent formalities related to prosecution while offering a variety of other IP administration services. We can assist you remotely or provide you with on-site support. Our services can be utilised on a temporary basis to help you through demanding times while preserving the quality of your patent administration.

You can also tap into our extensive experience if you are setting up an in-house patent department and need advice on establishing procedures and processes, or simply want to audit your current procedures and receive recommendations on improvements.

Contact Adam Bach Bassiouni for more information on our patent administration services.

Software experience
Ipendo · Memotech · Inprotech · Patricia · CPI · Anaqua